Deploy entire IT systems on Amazon Web Services, the global leader in cloud based architecture. Amazon is in continuous state of innovation and improvement, routinely adding new cloud services and lowering costs. AWS has the highest number of cloud based services that allow complex custom designed IT infrastructures. Moreover Amazon offers seamless integration between its services, ensuring that cloud instances such as web servers, databases, DNS, load balancers, etc are easily intercompatible. Using AWS has many other advantages such as:

Run virtual servers in the cloud with Elastic Compute Cloud cloud service. Dynamically build server instances with custom operating systems, software and hardware resources. Dynamically resize the hardware specifications of EC2 instances to match system architecture requirements. EC2 supports a variety of instance types for distinct combinations of CPU, memory, storage and networking capacity. Instance types include: T2 and M3 - General Purpose, C3 - Compute Optimized, R3 - Memory Optimized, G2 - GPU Optimized, and I2 and HS1 - Storage Optimized.

Add public domain storage of static website files with Simple Storage Service. S3 provides a web interface to retrieve and store data such as files, zipped versions of data sets, arbitrary string of bytes, etc. S3 objects can be accessed on the public web. A single S3 instance can be used for multiple EC2 instances. Moreover, S3 instances can be integrated as an eternal service with network infrastructure outside of AWS. For non-critical, reproducible data use S3's Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) to reduce costs by storing data that is replicated fewer times.

Attach network persistent storage using EBS for traditional file system capabilities. EBS volumes can be attached to single EC2 instances, and can continue to persist data even if the EC2 instance is shutdown. EBS volumes are ideal for system architectures that require constant I/O throughput such as persistent critical data that must be stored privately with the system. EBS offers varying levels of I/O performance, depending on a system's requirements.

Dynamically route web traffic to available EC2 instances depending on node workload and regional availability. ELB ensures that only healthy instances receive traffic while unhealthy instances are ignored. When system performance slows because instances cannot handle the workload, the Auto Scaling service can be used with ELB to dynamically create new EC2 instances. Contrarily when traffic is reduced, the number of EC2 instances can be scaled down. Auto Scaling ensures system architecture can respond to all levels of traffic in a cost-effective manner and without requiring manual intervention.